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    How to Preview a Quiz

    Preview a Quiz before Students Take it

    Previewing a quiz before students take it is important for faculty to ensure accuracy, validate clarity and consistency, assess the difficulty and time allocation, and adapt to accessibility needs.

    Step 1

    Open the quiz you want to work with

    Step 2

    Click the Admin gear > Quiz administration > Preview

    Step 3

    Take the Quiz

    If you don't like a question, click Edit question and make the desired adjustments.

    Click Save changes after making any changes.

    Step 4

    Click Finish attempt at the end

    Step 5

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page

    Click Submit all and finish

    Step 6

    Once more, select Submit all and finish to confirm your submission.


    Step 7

    Review whether the questions and answers are set correctly.
    If there is an error, you have another chance to Edit the questions

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