Pacific College of Health and Science Help Center

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    Switch Role to Student

    To view the student user interface in a course

    Sometimes you may need to view your course as a student. Still, some limitations apply such as: not being able to submit assignments and not visualizing rubrics as a student would. Everything else, however, should appear as a student would see it (no editing options).

    Step 1

    Click your Avatar thumbnail in the upper right corner of your screen to open the personal menu.

    Step 2

    Click Switch role to... next to Log out.

    Step 3

    Click Student to finish the process. The page you were on will now load in the student view. If you were editing a page or looking at a grade book, you will get a permission error. Simply click continue to proceed to the course.

    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

    Step 4

    When finished, go to the personal menu and click Return to my normal role

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    The college recognizes that confidentiality is important. The college will make every effort to respect the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved. When looking into the matter, particularly when a grievance is filed, the school will pay attention to any due process or other rights the accused might have.