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    Student Accommodations

    How to file Comprehensive Exam accommodations

    Comps accommodations can be requested directly by filling in the Excel document in Teams.

    Accommodations will be processed one week before comprehensive exams begin.

    Please submit a ticket to eLearning for the following cases:

    • late accommodations, after the week before comps
    • accommodations for taking the exam earlier than the week of

    Step 1

    Go to the Comps Committee Team

    Step 2

    Go to the Files tab

    Open the Student Accommodations folder

    Open the Comps_Extensions_<currnet term>.xlsx file

    Step 3

    Select your Campus

    Campuses are listed at the bottom as separate sheets

    Step 4

    Fill in the student’s name in the top row

    Step 5

    Click the field next to the course code

    Type in the value (1.5, 2, and/or date for the accommodation)

    Press Enter (the field will turn from black to white automatically)



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    By submitting this form, you attest that the concern or complaint is an honest account of what transpired and agree to allow Pacific College to review and investigate the matter.

    The college recognizes that confidentiality is important. The college will make every effort to respect the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved. When looking into the matter, particularly when a grievance is filed, the school will pay attention to any due process or other rights the accused might have.