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    Grade with Rubrics

    February 13th, 2025

    Blackboard's Rubrics provide instructors with a structured and transparent method for assessing student performance against predefined criteria and learning objectives. These rubrics not only clarify expectations for students but also streamline the grading process for instructors by providing a consistent framework for assessment. Rubrics can be used for grading an assessment, journal, or discussion. The rubric will appear on the graded item’s page, but keep in mind that they can’t be associated to an assignment with questions.

    To grade an assessment using a rubric, go to the Gradebook tab and click on the assessment you desire to grade:

    Select the student submission you want to grade and from the Student Submission page. 


    Click on the Grading Rubric tab located on the right-hand side of the student’s submission. 


    You can assign a performance level to each criterion by selecting the desired score pill. As you select a performance level, the rubric’s grade pill updates. You can deselect a performance level and choose another if you change your mind while grading:


    When you are done grading, click the X button on the top right-hand side to exit grading with the rubric:

    For detailed instructions and best practices, you can refer to the Grade with Rubrics section in the Blackboard Learn Help page or simply click here.

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