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    How to login to Campus Vue

    May 3rd, 2019

    Step 1

    Open your web browser and navigate to

    Step 2

    Proceed with entering your network credentials. This usually follows a convention of first initial followed by last name. For instance, Jane Doe would have a username of "jdoe". If you need to reset your password, follow the instructions here.

    Step 3a

    If you do not see the image below, proceed to step 3b.  Click the "detect receiver" button. At this point, you will see a window asking you to open the Workspace Launcher. Proceed with selecting that option. 

    Step 3b

    At this point, you want to check the box agreeing to the license agreement, and click the "Log on" link.

    Step 4

    On this page you want to click on the "apps" button, then select the "CampusNexus Student - Prod" tile. 

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    The college recognizes that confidentiality is important. The college will make every effort to respect the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved. When looking into the matter, particularly when a grievance is filed, the school will pay attention to any due process or other rights the accused might have.